Joe Houlihan reveals what makes a brand perfect for the MobyFox treatment on a smart watch

MobyFox’s Joe Houlihan discusses watch-face apps and statement straps.

Joe Houlihan, thanks for joining us! You’re a Global Sales Executive… How did you come to be doing that, Joe? What’s your background?
Thank you for having me! I run Global Sales & Partnerships, but I started my career in product development. I then expanded into global sales, with a focus on high-branded licensed products and tech hardware.

Of which, one of your clients is MobyFox. Tell us about them…
At MobyFox, we bring the iconic and treasured brands you love to your wrist… With Watch Faces and straps, in a way you’ve never seen before.

I wouldn’t normally ask, but I’m curious: how does MobyFox get its name?
We sort of mashed up two creatures we love: a whale – as in Moby Dick; for its strength, grace and beauty – and a fox: for its smarts, cuteness & speed.

So MobyFox specialises in providing officially-licensed smartwatch bands… How did that come about?
Most people wear their Apple Watch, or other smartwatches, throughout the entire day while others might wear theirs 24/7. We’ve always believed that tech such as the Apple Watch is the perfect accessory; a way to express yourself.

Joe Houlihan, MobyFox
It’s not just an accessory; it’s a fashion statement…

Right. And whether it’s a brand you love like Star Wars, or a piece of art like Hokkusei, with MobyFox you can turn your Apple Watch into a showcase for those things you love.

Whether it’s for a brand like Star Wars, or a piece of art like Hokkusei, MobyFox turns your Apple Watch into a showcase…”

And with which brands do you work?
We work with the world’s largest entertainment brands. They include Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, DC Comics and Hello Kitty. We have dozens of other lines and are rapidly expanding into sports, fashion, and music… Stay tuned for some exciting upcoming announcements, happening very soon!

I will do. In fact, consider yourself invited to come back and tell us about some of those! Some of the brands you mentioned are very current and absolutely gigantic! Others are quite small and classic – Tom and Jerry for example. What have they all got in common? In other words, what makes a license right for MobyFox?
When we take on a new license, we look to our community first. We have an incredibly engaged community of super-fans, and if they ask us for a specific brand, we try our best to make it happen. We also have an expanded line of Watch Faces on our MobyFace app, too, and when we notice collections being downloaded over and over again, we take that as another indicator that a strap design would be well received.

Joe Houlihan, MobyFox
Tell me about the MobyFace app; it sounds intriguing…

MobyFace isn’t just the companion app to our straps, it’s also a standalone experience for those that just want to download what we think are the world’s coolest Watch Faces. There are so many great collections to explore, there’s something for everyone in our app – and we’re expanding it, everyday!

“With just a flick of the finger, you can customise your look, virtually instantly.”

I’m inclined to agree; some of the images and designs are beautiful. I’d be quite happy to pay for them! How come they’re free?
Part of the promise we make to fans that purchase our straps is to bring their smart watch to life with matching Watch Faces. So, when you buy a strap, you’ll have at least 20 free, downloadable Watch Faces to use… And with just a flick of the finger, you can customise your look, virtually instantly. We have additional collections in our MobyFace app, including some that can be purchased for those looking to expand their personal collections.

Joe Houlihan, MobyFox
It’s brilliant. I hope people make the time to check that out. Let me ask you this… What’s the biggest challenge you face?

We pride ourselves on going to market really fast, and we’re always trying to improve our ability to go from design to shelf, even faster. It’s one of our market advantages, but we’ll always be trying to push the limits to deliver the highest-quality straps and Watch Face designs for our fans.

Good answer. Thank you. Final question, then… Are there any kinds of brand you’d like to work with but have yet to broach?
We’re rapidly expanding into the sports, music and fashion industry as well. These are areas that we’re really excited about. And art, too. There are some incredible artists both past and present and we think the MobyFace app and our MobyFox straps are an amazing platform for that breadth and type of self-expression.

Joe Houlihan, MobyFox

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