Wynne-Jones IP launches new division dedicated to designers, content creators and innovators

“Design registration is complex, arcane and often misunderstood,” said Victor Caddy, who heads up the new Designs team.

IP law firm Wynne-Jones IP has formed a Designs Team to help designers, content creators and innovators get expert advice when it comes to IP.

Wynne-Jones already provides advice relating to all aspects of IP protection – including designs – but the formation of the new Designs Team puts designs on the same level as more established services specific to patents and trade marks.

The Designs Team is headed up by Victor Caddy, a registered trade mark and design attorney, and also includes patent attorney and designs expert Jason Stevens, paralegal Maximilian Theiss and senior renewals expert Charlotte Castledine.

The new division will provide a suite of services from pre-filing consultancy and filing applications for registration, through to enforcement, strategy and renewal. They will also be on hand to guide designers through the post-Brexit world of unregistered design rights.

“Design registration is complex, arcane and often misunderstood,” said Caddy.

“Applications to register designs in the UK are not examined by the UK Intellectual Property Office, unlike patent and trade mark applications. Instead, they are rubber stamped. So, how you file applications for registration is vital. This is why specialist advice is essential, and why so few IP firms proactively encourage their clients to register designs.

“Traditionally, designs fall between two stools. Patent attorneys do design work when they have to, and so too do trade mark attorneys. Very few attorneys specialise in designs. As a consequence, the design system tends to be undervalued and under-used. And yet, now, with Brexit, the opportunities – as well as the risks – are greater than they have ever been.

“For the unwary, the disclosure of new designs at the wrong time or the wrong place may leave some designs without protection where it’s needed. But for those in the know, this is a chance for designs to flourish as a valuable part of an IP portfolio, like never before.

“I wanted to launch a dedicated Designs Team to help people take advantage of these opportunities, as well as avoiding the pitfalls. I am excited about the Team and what we can do. Jason and I both have career histories of specialising in designs and I am a member of the Designs Team of the brand owners’ association, Marques. Max has a tremendous eye for detail, which is perfect for design work, and Charlotte brings a wealth of experience in design renewal and maintenance.

“Already, the service has been resoundingly popular with designers from outside the UK, looking to secure their design rights in the UK after Brexit. Now we want to spread the message domestically as well”.

For more information, email Victor at [email protected].

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